About Me

I'm just a student at UNH studying Computer Science. I have an interest in AI and Machine Learning, with programming skills in many languages including Kotlin, Python, C, Java and JS. I've made plenty of fun side projects in my free time including some of the items listed below.

I also make music. I've been drumming since elementary school, and guitar since high school. I challenged myself to make a song every day for the month of december, and continued the tradition for a couple of years. This was enough to get me over my unreasonable goal of a perfect song that would prevent me from releasing music for an indefinite amount of time. I am now focusing on more quality than quantity though, as I am getting better at singing and want to tell interesting and cohesive stories.

My Programming Portfolio


A web app that uses OpenAI's GPT-3.5 API to dynamically create course material for any course imaginable.


Chattr is a Discord bot that can participate in deep conversations, provide information on various topics, summarize articles, generate images, and much more. Powered by Discord.py and OpenAI's GPT-3.5 API.

PyTorch File Type Classifier

This python program is capable of predicting a filetype just given the contents of the file using PyTorch.

Discord Chat Controller

This discord.py based bot simulates controller inputs on the device that is hosting the bot. This allows for people to type in a discord chat to control things like games.

Discord Language Translator

This discord.py based bot detects if a non-english language has been typed in a discord chat, and will use GPT-3.5 to translate the text and automatically respond with the translated message.

My Music Portfolio

Contact Me
